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This could be one of the last few times I will get to write about performances at the FivePoint Amphitheatre in Irvine. It has been announced and planned that a new permanent outdoor venue will take its place. It is bittersweet news for me because while I am looking forward…
Few 20-year-olds are doing life in the fast lane like multi-instrumentalist, electronic music producer, and artist Lamorn. After dropping his debut album Forever on mau5trap on 6/2/2023, Lamorn would embark on an 18-date tour across the country to promote the project and introduce himself to the world. The Los Angeles…
Music is mostly consumed through headphones or the radio listening to a pre-recorded song. And though this is a great way to connect with some of your favorite artists, there are some bands I have just never been able to get into through their records. I don’t want to write…
The first time I heard Tycho was in my buddy’s college dorm room back in 2010. As you can imagine, those early college years are formative in one’s development and growth. Part of that whole college experience was pushing myself to expand my palate of tastes, interests, and passions. One…
As the saying goes – “If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It” . . . and that is exactly what New Jersey Thrash Masters Overkill are doing. The band recently toured Europe in April 2023 with fellow thrash royalty Exhorder and Heathen as supporting acts and they have included them…
If I had to pick just one…I think it would be The Royale. It’s one of those venues that has an entry that you can easily just drive right past, a cozy intimate feel that still has room to breathe, and it was the stage for an exhilarating and boundary-pushing…
There are some bands that you hear for the first time, and you fall instantly in love with them. The opening notes to any song can play and it has you screaming in your car while hearing it on the radio, and before you know it you are turned into…
Raleigh’s Between the Buried and Me, longstanding boundary pushers sitting somewhere delightfully between metal, prog and hardcore, swung through Minneapolis’ Skyway Theatre with some heavy help to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the release of their album The Parallax II: Future Sequence, supported by Reading’s death prog wizards Rivers of…
As we headed over for Day 2 of RRU the weather reports were not looking great, hot with thunderstorms, but were too exited to worry too much about it. It was a day filled with a lot of firsts of bands/artists I have never seen before (but excited and curious…
Back in the heyday of the emo scene days, we were all looked down on as cringe culture. Some people may look back on their scene hairstyles and clothing choices with the same reaction as our parents looking at photos of their 80s glam days. But something 80s glam and…
This was year two for Reggae Rise Up in Maryland at West Covington Park. Last year I had a great line-up and to be honest I was not as hyped about this overall line-up. However, I ended up being really surprised (in a good way) and the entire three day…
While in high school I had my first experience with the metal community by discovering 80s Glam Metal. This was my introduction to the bigger world of metal music that was coming my way. But while I was getting into big hair, bright colors, and spandex, most of my friends…
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